Saturday, April 21, 2007


Washing a horse isnt always easy! Hair flies everywhere because you must brush him first. My friend didn't tell me he sheads like a dog! Uck! Than she had no soap! Great. How are you supposed to clean a horse with no saop. Okay so she borrowed some. Now he smells like lime. Okay so thats not so bad. Than i got wet. Well of course. How do you hose a horse without getting the other person wet. So he was done. PHEW! my friend (Kelsey) said" lets take him across the street to graze" Okay i said. Bad mistake. It is hot! We are in Jeans! So we take him farther from the barn. Than it is time to go back. I get to hold his halter. I pull. He caomes forward a foot. I pull, he comes forward a foot. This goes on for a while. The horse up there is Gator, a sweetie, but a handful.What an experience. And earlier we rode trikkes. That is hard. Cya Later!

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