Monday, May 14, 2007

This is my whole story from when I left school with Daddy and Ellen to go to the doctors. we have a 3:30 app. at the doctors. So I get in the car*vroom, vroom* and we get there. at this point my leg is hurting. (i got a bunch of scratches from a carnivorous dandelion)really bad. I start reading an article about Sanjaya (I was REALLY bored) I just start to read and they call us. at least she didn’t say Gwendolyn like she normally did. Than she has to weigh us. I am thinking, this is a ‘I am coughing, please lets try to stop this’ not lets take our time weighing you and taking your temp. Anyway, I am up first. She checks my mouth ~AAAH~ and than my ears” VERY GOOD” How can ears be ‘very GOOD” Oh well. Than I have to breathe in, breathe out. So she goes. “yep, Ellen you were right. She has bronchitis and her lungs aren’t sounding too good.” I am thinking,” Well DUH! I am coughing. If my lungs were fine, I wouldn’t be here! I am gonna do a breathing test on her. than she checks Ellen, who happens to be just fine! She gets up and leaves. Than she and a nother nurse came in with this breathing thingy. Dr: You can get her the tube: Nurse:Okay…………… She comes back Dr: Where is the TUBE! Nurse;Opps. Mike told me this was right. This is my 3rd try. So they tell me I have to put my mouth on the mouthpiece and just breathe in and out. Dr;it is just mist. I t donesnt taste bad or anything! I do this for 10mins. It tasted AWFUL!!!! Digusting!!!!! We wait for 30mins Than she comes back in . checks my lungs, which are sounding much better! nDr: She gives me a inhaler almost and says to me. “Keep away from animals as much as possibee! ME stay away from animals NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Than we are done. My dad wants me to take a sticker! A STICKER!!!! yep. Now I have meds, and an inhaler!

THE END!!!! It is all true except for the dandelions! But I did get severly scratched by a thorn bush!

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